Category Archives: Freeze Dryer

Creating Your Own Home Store

Sorry I have been MIA lately. I’ve been busy selling my handmade jewelry at craft shows every weekend with my sister and seem to barely be home and when I am home, I’m rebuilding my stock. This means driving 30 minutes to the grocery store and 30 minutes back is not on the schedule. Luckily, I can shop from my home pantry.

When I went to cook meatloaf the other week, I didn’t even check for the ingredients before I just started making it and realized I didn’t have a fresh onion. I went to the pantry and pulled out a mason jar of prechopped freeze dried onions. (Bonus they were already chopped) I thought about rehydrating the onions for a few seconds before throwing them in but decided to just try it out like I do on my pizzas and throw them in dry. I figured the grease would rehydrate them. It worked beautifully.

Some things I will freeze dry in meals but a lot of things I will freeze dry individual so I can use it in any way I need it and essential create my own store at home that I can shop from every day. Adding my freeze dried items and my recently bought store items together to cook a dinner because they are both fresh ingredients 🙂

Pizza Dinner

I’ve got a 1 in a million mom and dad. They are truly awesome! We live next door to each other and enjoy spending time together. My mom and I are crafting buddies and canning buddies and my dad is so wonderful to be right there chopping food for as being our sous chef, dish washer or running to the store for more supplies when we go rouge and have a crazy idea in the middle of canning. Well, that is what happened this weekend. We were in the mist of canning cooked salsa and freeze-drying fresh salsa when I had the brilliant idea to try canning pizza sauce. I saw Homestead Acre making her pizza sauce on her YouTube channel last year and ever since I’ve wanted to do it. So mid-day my mom and I started canning pizza sauce and she was up until 1:30 am with the last batch in the water bath. So, we just had to try out our pizza sauce to see if it was worth it or not. Of course, we used freeze dried foods too 🙂

It was delicious!!!!

I used this recipe from Scratch Pantry for my dough. Which will be nice as it’s a freezer dough recipe. We used our freshly canned pizza sauce and then we started going through the pantry as we had been in the kitchen all day the last two days and really didn’t want to be cooking more. We grabbed freeze dried olives, onions, mushrooms and season ground Italian sausage.

We rehydrated the cooked freeze dried sausage by add water from the tea kettle little bit by little bit and stir until we were happy with the consistency and then let sit covered as we assembled the pizza.

We added the onions, olives and mushrooms to the pizza straight out of the mason jar and let the pizza sauce rehydrate them while it was cooking in the oven. (It worked perfect)

Layered with cheese, our sausage, more cheese and some fresh bell pepper we had in the fridge. We baked it at 425 for 17 mins and it was delicious! Now we know we want to can more pizza sauce and freeze dry toppings to last us throughout the year.

More Avocados

Avocados were so delicious with our tacos on family dinner night I needed to do more and have some extra on the shelf. I go 14 Hass Avocados and it fit on 3 trays (the 15th slipped in my basket not ripe enough to use) You can check out the reconstitution of the avocados on the Family Dinner Post

14 Hass Avocados gave me 4 1/2 quart size mason jars of yummy avocado’s ready for me to use anytime of the next 25 years.

I also did a tray of zucchini chips testing with different seasonings. The jury is still out on these chips. I think next time I will try them thicker and will let you know how I like those.

What Tools I Used:
Breville Food Proccessor – which makes chopping a breeze, I love this machine and use it for so many things. You will see throughout my posts I use it often and it saves me so much time.
Fry Scoop – to help get the food in the jars
Canning Funnel – to help get the food in jars
Harvest Right Medium Freeze Dryer
Food Saver – You will need one with an accessories attachment

1) Peel and chop your avocados placing them on your tray with mat
2)Freeze Dry
3)Scoop your avocadoes into your food processor and blend until the chunkiness you desire ( I link some chunk to my avocadoes but not too big to make it still fast to reconstitute)
4)Place in mason jars or mylar bags and seal

Freeze drying is simple, You have the prep time of putting your food on your trays and then putting them in the freeze dryer and pushing start. Then you leave it to do it’s magic and check on it when you walk by for the next 24-36 hours to see what the machine says. It will tell you when it’s ready and then you pull your food out and jar it up.

Note: If using mylar bags you need to use an oxygen absorber or you can put it in a mason jar and seal with a food processor attachment.


As we were getting dinner ready tonight, I realized nothing was going in the freeze dryer. I needed to get something in going fast. My mom said she was wanting to do a run of olives but she hadn’t been to the store yet to get a full run of olives. So between our two houses (we are neighbors) we each filled two trays of sliced olives and in the Harvest Right freeze dryer they went. This will be our first-time running olives and I can’t wait to try them. I have a few ideas on how I will use these olives when they come out.

– Using them in a salad to give a little crunch
– Adding them to our homemade pizza’s and letting the sauce rehydrate them as they cook.

What is your favorite way to use your olives?

24 hours later olives are out and ready to be jarred up. I decided to put them in smaller jars so I don’t have to reseal the jar every time I use a handful of olives. I will use an open jar and put a ring on it to hold fresh while I use it up.

Family Dinner With Freeze Dried Foods

My grandma and brother came into town so to celebrate we had a family dinner with 18 of us. How do you incorporate freeze dried food in your prep to make dinner faster you may be asking? Well let me show you a few tips we used with 4 generations in the kitchen.

We ran out of fresh onions so we ran to the pantry opened up a jar of freeze dried onions and poured some directly into the ground beef we were cooking for tacos. They rehydrated up as the beef was cooking.

Dinner was a great success with beef tacos and chicken tacos. Adding in these few freeze dried options kicked dinner up a notch. We would have been in the kitchen a lot longer making fresh salsa versus spending the time visiting and enjoying our precious family time.


Want avocado or guacamole right now? Oh dang did you forget to get one at the store the other day or is your just not ripe enough yet? Well my freeze dryer preserved my avocado at just the right stage and I’m good to go with fresh avocado for the next 25 years. I will absolutely go through it faster than that and have to do more batches in my freeze dryer. Below I will show you the steps I took to create this yummy treat.

1) When your avocado’s are just ripe you chunk them up and place them on your trays. As you can see I could have fit more on my Harvest Right trays but this was my test run and I didn’t get enough avocados. (Notice I did use my Harvest Right mats on my trays.)

2) When your avocado’s come out of the freeze dryer and you have tested them to make sure they are completely done you throw them in a food processor and blend to your desired chunkiness. As you can see I left it still chunky as I wanted those chunks when I dipped my tortilla chips in.

Here is the one I use, If you click on the image it will take you Amazon.

3) Put your avocados in your mason jars or mylar bags. I like to use mason jars to preserve my food in. I love seeing how pretty all the food looks and then I can pull some out and reseal it with my FoodSaver to keep it fresh for next time.

4) When you are ready to east some pull some out of your jar and slowly add water to rehydrate up and you are ready to eat some delicious avocados on toast, make it into guacamole and eat it with chips.


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Freeze Dried Mushrooms

Mushrooms are great to add to your pizza, omelets and so much more. You will want these on your shelf! Don’t they just look delicious. A friend recommended that she puts them freeze dried on her pizza before cooking and lets the pizza sauce rehydrate it in the cooking. I will be giving this a try yum!

What you need?

– Harvest Right Freeze Dyer

Bell Peppers

Diced red and green bell peppers are a staple in my house. The problem is I live 30 minutes from the grocery store. My Harvest Right Freeze Dryer has solved that problem. I diced up 2 trays of red bell peppers and 2 trays of green bell peppers and in the freeze dryer they went. Now when I decide I want to cook egg for dinner I grab my jar of bell peppers rehydrate them for 30 seconds and I’m ready to cook dinner.

Red and Green Bell Peppers ready to go our medium Harvest Right Freeze Dryer