About Me

Hi, I’m Samantha. I’m a single mom of two wonderful young adults and decided this year to start my own garden. I’ve been freeze drying for over a year now and I’m absolutely loving it!! We live in the country 30 minutes to the grocery store and so it’s not so easy to just grab something at the store for dinner when you realize you are missing or run out of a key ingredient. I decided to start a blog and give ideas showing my journey in my garden and in my freeze drying adventure.

I get the prepping genes from my dad and like to have a stash of frozen precooked meals in the freezer or freeze dried food as the kids grew up for those nights I was just to tired to cook a meal that would take alot of prep work.

My parents bought a Harvest Right Freeze Dryer over a year ago and that started my journey of freeze drying my own food. I now freeze dry ingredients, so they are prepped and ready to go which makes dinners a breeze.

I have freezed dried foods from companys I have purchased and cooked with over the years and over the past year as I’ve freeze dried my own recipes and food I have learned one huge lesson and that is your freeze dried food from home will taste better!

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