Pizza Dinner

I’ve got a 1 in a million mom and dad. They are truly awesome! We live next door to each other and enjoy spending time together. My mom and I are crafting buddies and canning buddies and my dad is so wonderful to be right there chopping food for as being our sous chef, dish washer or running to the store for more supplies when we go rouge and have a crazy idea in the middle of canning. Well, that is what happened this weekend. We were in the mist of canning cooked salsa and freeze-drying fresh salsa when I had the brilliant idea to try canning pizza sauce. I saw Homestead Acre making her pizza sauce on her YouTube channel last year and ever since I’ve wanted to do it. So mid-day my mom and I started canning pizza sauce and she was up until 1:30 am with the last batch in the water bath. So, we just had to try out our pizza sauce to see if it was worth it or not. Of course, we used freeze dried foods too 🙂

It was delicious!!!!

I used this recipe from Scratch Pantry for my dough. Which will be nice as it’s a freezer dough recipe. We used our freshly canned pizza sauce and then we started going through the pantry as we had been in the kitchen all day the last two days and really didn’t want to be cooking more. We grabbed freeze dried olives, onions, mushrooms and season ground Italian sausage.

We rehydrated the cooked freeze dried sausage by add water from the tea kettle little bit by little bit and stir until we were happy with the consistency and then let sit covered as we assembled the pizza.

We added the onions, olives and mushrooms to the pizza straight out of the mason jar and let the pizza sauce rehydrate them while it was cooking in the oven. (It worked perfect)

Layered with cheese, our sausage, more cheese and some fresh bell pepper we had in the fridge. We baked it at 425 for 17 mins and it was delicious! Now we know we want to can more pizza sauce and freeze dry toppings to last us throughout the year.

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