
Want avocado or guacamole right now? Oh dang did you forget to get one at the store the other day or is your just not ripe enough yet? Well my freeze dryer preserved my avocado at just the right stage and I’m good to go with fresh avocado for the next 25 years. I will absolutely go through it faster than that and have to do more batches in my freeze dryer. Below I will show you the steps I took to create this yummy treat.

1) When your avocado’s are just ripe you chunk them up and place them on your trays. As you can see I could have fit more on my Harvest Right trays but this was my test run and I didn’t get enough avocados. (Notice I did use my Harvest Right mats on my trays.)

2) When your avocado’s come out of the freeze dryer and you have tested them to make sure they are completely done you throw them in a food processor and blend to your desired chunkiness. As you can see I left it still chunky as I wanted those chunks when I dipped my tortilla chips in.

Here is the one I use, If you click on the image it will take you Amazon.

3) Put your avocados in your mason jars or mylar bags. I like to use mason jars to preserve my food in. I love seeing how pretty all the food looks and then I can pull some out and reseal it with my FoodSaver to keep it fresh for next time.

4) When you are ready to east some pull some out of your jar and slowly add water to rehydrate up and you are ready to eat some delicious avocados on toast, make it into guacamole and eat it with chips.


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